Water of Leith

Today, Boy took Samantha on a jog and I was to meet him with Sarah further on a Water of Leith path. We were both feeling poorly (Sarah woke up with a limp -- she has two false hips, so she does that ocassionally after a hard day previous -- and my shoulder was killing me), so we didn't get too much of a hassle when we met Samantha and the Boy late at our destination. On the way to meet Boy, I spotted signs of wildlife about me. In the snow are fox footprints.

I know this because these footprints were on a parapet beside a bridge, about a 6-foot drop. No sane dog would do such a thing. A thin layer of ice still (!) existed on the water and duck foot prints were dotted about in it, much to my amusement. Maybe you will see them better in the close up.

We feel an odd sense of pride about the Water of Leith, as if we discovered it. So it makes it all the more sad when people litter about there. I've seen enough trashed bikes, Christmas trees, shopping trolleys, and dog turds to fill a landfill. I've even seen a burnt out car, right in the middle of the path. The funniest (or most pathetic) thing was that two cops in a car drove by it -- a car being a rare event indeed -- without batting an eyelash.
So the Boy has this amazing plan, if he ever was incredibly wealthy. He would hire people, from the myraid homeless around the city, to pick up rubbish from the Water of Leith, paying them by the bag. But his plan doesn't stop there. The second layer is very odd: he would hire only the most trusted of his homeless litter pickers to be followers. The followers would be very discreet and covertly watch for people to litter. If they spied such a thing, they would pick up the litter and follow the person who did it. Throughout the day, the follower would pick up every bit of litter that person dropped. When that person got home, the follower would then dump the rubbish in their garden, on their front door, or even push it through their letter box. Although innovative, this militant idea is sadly fraught with flaws and illegalities, and thankfully, we are not incredibly wealthy. Otherwise, I'd be bailing my cutely misguided husband out of jail with the wealth.
Since the day was so nice, the boy wanted the mark the day with a picture of me with the dogs. Sarah (in the red collar and smooth, short hair) hates pictures. With a passion. She always knows when a picture of her is being taken and turns her head away. She's like someone's grandma -- cos ever'body's gramma hates to have her picture taken.

who's the random old guy?
Dude, are you referring to my husband?
That's my father-in-law, the Boy's dad. Do you see the resemblance?
Maybe in the shortage of hair.
HAAAAHH!! of course i wasn't talking about matthew. but... that's funny. okay. i THOUGHT that other man was sitting a bit too close to be a stranger... and... nice legs, you hottie.
I love you!
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