Weird Leith
That being said, it's a funny little place. It's a definitely known for being run-down. And if anyone's seen Trainspotting (and I haven't even) then all the shady drugs places were in Leith. But it's going through a regeneration and with lots of trendy bars, shops and nice places to live.
So this shop is on Leith Walk, the main thoroughfare to get from the City Centre to Leith. This shop, in my opinion, is typical old-timey Leith:

Darts and televisions! That's where the money is! Why would anyone EVER think of that combination? If the telly side is having a bad week's takings, you'll always have the darts' takings to tide you over.
So just a block up the walk is Clive Christiansen, completely different from Borlands in every way. I've always wanted to go in the shop, cos what could be seen in the window is really nice. But when I dragged the Boy through, it completely blew us away.

It was like we had walked into someone's house! I guess it's a showroom for home furnishings, but we couldn't tell. It's was really bizarre too how the guy there let us just walk about for ten minutes, taking pictures! Just so you know, real people don't have shit like that in their homes here. This Clive Christiansen must have got really cheap rent for locating his store in Leith and hopes like hell that his clients from Morningside and Bruntsfield (southern parts of the city) are willing to slum it and check out his wares on the wrong side of town.
The furniture looks OK. How's the pricing? Was it new or second-hand?
Boy looks very convincing by floofy canopy. I can just see you guys with a canopy. Charming.
All of it was new and all of it was really, really posh. I didn't ask prices, cos Boy was embarrassed enough to be in there as it was. I would have done if alone or with you ma. You know we don't care what people think. It was a Herculean effort just to get the Boy in the shop, though he loosened up with the pictures. Boy looks just right next to that canopy -- as if he were cleaning it for the lady of the house.
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