Scottish Plate finals, the abridged version
Egg and bacon sarnie for brekkie.
Girls nervous; feeling ok.
Me, cappie, announced to the crowd, very cool.
Leading in the third set 16-10.
Slid across the floor to retrieve ball, receiving burn in the process. (Looks worse than pic, or at least feels worse.)

Bottle it and lose third set 20-25.
Gutted, AB-sol-utely gutted.
Received medal, no spoon. (Pictures do lie; I was not happy.)

Lots of friends supporting.
Feels nice, but loss is devestating.
Shouted wildly at other match.
Will lose voice tomorrow.
And coming down with a cold.
Still gutted and feeling v emotional.
:( please don't get sick. you deserved the medal solely for sacrificing your body to the floor for your team. Lacar would be proud.
oh yah, right. a good opportunity to use a vocab word. (btw, i said 'vocab' for you b/c i know how much you love it.) "So incredibly sorry you're feeling seedy today...please don't get sick."
V good use of 'seedy' atw -- A++
Yeah, you got a medal! Loud applause X 3. ZTowns has cold also. Going to the doctor or self medicating?
it can only get better now. i saw you teary eyed and wanted to go give you a great big hug but i couldn't get down the railings fast enough.:( i missed the boys game.... hope it was a lot of fun to watch...
Amah - self-medicating, as I sussed out it was only a sinus drip.
svety - cheers mate. I was really just so frustrated that it got so bad and I could do nothing about it, really. The guys' game was good, but they encountered the same problem -- a better team. Lost in 4.
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