When did we decide to start employing personality characterisations as the sole forecast the weather? What's next? Today's weather will be irritating with crankiness rolling in from the west tonight?
My response to what's goin' on.
posted by Autumn at 27.3.07
Look, I'd like to tell you more about myself, but I really hate these kinds of things. It seems really conceited if I go on about myself in anyway -- obviously loathed to do it. But then I think, "Maybe someone gives a shit."
Walt Whitman wrote in Leaves of Grass: "Do I contradict myself? Fine, I contract myself. I'm large and I contain multitudes." I always thought that Walt wasn't the only one. And anyway, if you want to know more about me, read the blogs.
Would you move thousands of miles away from everyone and everything that you knew and held dear to be with the one you loved? Man... that was a STUPID thing I did.
Suss to figure out She soon sussed out who was the boss in that relationship.
Moreish so good that it makes you want more Mmm, those cookies are certainly moreish -- I'll have another.
Stablisers training wheels I think I'll put the stablisers back on her bike, as she completely fell over when she tried to ride today.
Jakey a bum, a whino; a person who prefers to spend their day getting drunk His mum's a big jakey -- I saw her with a bottle of Buckie in Hunter's Square this morning.
Seedy a "pre-sick" feeling; the run-down feeling you have before you really get hit with sickness Ugh, I'm feeling a bit seedy today, my throat hurts. I just know I'm going to get this cold that's going around.
Bolshie pushy She's really bolshie when she wants to get her way.
Scooby clue, idea (Cockney rhyme: Scooby Doo = clue) And when he got to the parallel parking bit of his driving test, he didn't have a scooby.
Munter an ugly woman Man, I can't believe he's dating that munter!
Mocket dirty I'm right mocket after clearing up that dirty cellar.
Spitting drizzling, sprinkling; light rain Bring the clothes in off the line. It might be spitting now, but it's gonna get worse.
Yappashite a person who talks too much; a person who talks junk all the time That boy, what a yappashite. Talk, talk, talk.
Haar fog; sea mist particular to the east coast of Scotland You can barely see outside for all the haar.
Lead (1) an extension cord Move that CD player over there... and pick up the lead so it doesn't drag.; (2) a pet's leash You'll need to put Rex on the lead if you're takin' him a walk.
Ken (1) to know or understand You cannae ken this game. (2)int. you know He's a total boozer, so he could never work here, ken?
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